Monday after a long weekend sucks.

What did I learn today?

  • Hibbard is teaching our 219 class now
  • Gossip Girl is on at 8PM on channel 20 on Mondays
  • Studying at school is really the only effective method… unless I turn off my computer
  • You can buy eye gel at zellers

What happened today that was unexpected?

  • ?Went to school and the class was canceled… so I ended up sitting for like 2 hours.
  • It rained.? I like rain, but only when I’m not in it.


  • Finished ch4 soc + some of ch5
  • Finished 13.4 calc.? Started 13.5


  • Watching gossip girl between study periods doesn’t really work.? Watch it to cool down.? Even if you have to download it…

Future Goals?

  • Doesn’t look like I’m going to be doing 1 calc chapter/day.? Wednesday is MSE movie night, gotta help with that.? Tomorrow I might be out late, but I’m going to study inorganic.
  • Oh right. Prepare for the 219 lab for the end of this week…
  • Get a plastic sword for costume… face paint some scars?? I want a giant scar across my chest.? I might be wearing less than some girls on halloween.? Might be chilly…
  • Jack Sparow wig?? Giant hoop earings?? Buccaneer shoes?